
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

i suck.

I'm not exercising. Ignore that last post. Instead i've decided to try not to snack so much. If anyone would read this, maybe i'd feel some accountability for that promise. But no one does, so I won't. But i'll try I guess. Exercise class starts up in September again, so i'm looking forward to it. I just wish I had some side passion that I could devote myself to, but then again, if i did, i'd neglect other things like work and my family. I just keep telling myself that when the kids are older, then I'll do all those things, like join the gym and actually exercise and get fit, learn to run (like couch to 5k), write a book (about what? i have no idea), make appointments for the dentist and massages and whatnot - all the things i put off because its too difficult to work around kids and also work a regular work week. Working from home is catching up to me i think. I can do it, and I do it well, but it's starting to take a toll. Jeez I'm complainy.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


It's hard to get up at 7am and workout. even for 20 minutes. that sounds pathetic. but i'm doing it...that's not pathetic, right? Jillian Michael's 30 day shred is ridiculous, but effective for a quick 20 min workout.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Craigslist is awesome. It's a giant garage sale with so little overhead I've found myself wishing I could sell everything I own, just for the simplicity. Saturday night I posted an ad to sell some baby furniture that we no longer need. The toddler has outgrown her pack n play, highchair, and travel system, so Craigslist yeilded four interested parties, one of which took it all for a great deal for her coming grandchild and cleaned out my storage area, all before 11am on Sunday. LOVE IT. Now...what else can I sell.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Wouldn't it be nice if jeans made of denim were still available? without all the spandex and stretching. I'm tired of the thigh grabbing jeans. What happened to good old jeans that didn't shimmy when you walked?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Life List

I guess this will be my life list record. In no particular order.

1. Vacation in Greece
2. Learn to cook one actual meal
3. Learn CPR
4. Vacation in BoraBora, in an over the water hut

Obviously, more to come. I'm not going to retro list things I've already done, like visit Hawaii, Aruba, Cancun, get married, have kids, buy a house, etc. Those things are kind of old news and not really life altering.

Actually i just discovered the 'lists' widget from blogger, so the Life list will be a widget in the sidebar. it's better there anyway.

New Purse, I love you

So my former D&B purse started to yellow. I took good care of it, stored it in a rubbermaid bin, didn' t leave it sitting in the sun. I don't know why it started to yellow, so I contacted D&B and they recommend I return it to them for evaluation. A couple weeks later, I was given the option to trade it in, and given $70 toward a new one (at $140+). I love D&B purses, so I didn't want to keep the old yucky yellow one, and who doesn't want a new did it. This is my new favorite thing ever. My favorite purse for sure.

Blended Shadow Little Nina - in HOT PINK. That's not mild or easy on the eyes pink, its HOT fuschia pink. It's so awesome.

Here I Go

I've been thinking about actual blogging for awhile. I think for now i'll mostly use this as a storage spot for my life list - inspired by of course. I didn't think it was that important, until I started thinking of the things I wanted to be sure to do in my lifetime and pair that with my memory loss due to child rearing. I better make a list or I'll never remember what it is I want to do.