
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

Joy Dare Catch up

Day 21: one thing in the sky, one thing from your memory, one thing that's ugly beautiful.

1. The sunshine. It's not here right now, but on the days it does show up in the winter, it's wonderful.
2. Sledding with my siblings, and roller skating, and ice skating outside, on a lake, not in a fancy schmancy rink.
3. ugly beautiful? I don't know...the 4yo tush when she asks me to wipe her poo :)

Day 22: one grace wrinkled, one grace smoothed, one grace unfolded
1. My mother in law, although she's really not that wrinkled and if she read blogs, she'd not appreciate this much probably. But I do so love her so very much. She's my stand in.
2. My chin..after this zip decided to leave? Seems superficial.
3. The new towels I'm planning to put in the almost remodeled master bathroom.

I don't know what I was doing to prevent these this weekend. I spent most of the weekend grateful that my girls were playing so well together, even though they were trapped inside all weekend. And I was able to read several books, which is always awesome. Plus a trip to the library where they both found books they also love to read, that's probably my very favorite thing right now. I want them both to grow up loving books and reading as often as they can.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Joy Dare: Days 14 and 15

Wow. I told myself each weekend day that I couldn't forget to do the posts. Even if it was quick and simple...don't miss it. And yet. Huh.

Day 14: Three ways you glimpsed the startling Grace of God
1. I really don't know how to answer this one. I guess Saturday I was grumpy and my husband took a simple step to pull me out of it. I'm very grateful for him.
2. My kids didn't drive me completely insane this weekend, and the oldest was off thurs-sunday so she had every reason to go stir crazy.
3. I'm starting to consider solutions for our lack of church attendance. Is that the Grace of God?

Day 15: one thing you wore, one thing you gave away, one thing you shared
1. I wore a new tank and zip jacket that I bought on clearance for 4.95. The tank I got 20% off of. I do love a sale. And the shopping gave me some me time that I clearly needed.
2. I have a little pile going to give away actually. Pajamas that no longer fit the 4yo and jeans that I just hate myself in, that are perfectly decent so I can give them away.
3. I think I've shared my love of reading with my girls. The oldest loves chapter books..I seriously have to consider getting some sort of bookshelf in her room somehow, and the youngest loves our weekly trip to the library to swap out the week's books. We read one or two before she goes to preschool a couple times a week and I think she loves that.

I'm not even going to lie and pretend I'll try to do better at this. It'll be easier during the week, because I'm in front of my computer, but weekends...I just can't make any promises.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Again. I did it again.

I had all these great "thoughts" last night. Things worth writing down! And I didn't. Good grief, I'm pathetic. I did finish reading "The Help" though, so there's that. Good book and I'm looking forward to seeing how it translates into film.

What I need is a journal type notebook and a book light that isn't glaring or obvious or 'holy crap what is that' wake up the husband type light.  Oh and a real nightstand to put such things on.