
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Joy Dare: Day 26

For the record, I wrote this post Wednesday. I tried to use the iPad to publish it last night and instead it was empty. Thanks Apple. The one time I'm ahead of my game and Apple screws me.

A gift before 9am, a gift before noon, a gift after dark
1. Before 9 am on Tues/Thurs, I get the 4yo up and ready for preschool. Normal days she sleeps until 9, but on preschool days she gets up and gets dressed and we have breakfast together and then read a couple library books after she's brushed hair and teeth. She's getting so big, it's such a fun time.

2. Before the same token as above...when the 4yo is in preschool and the 9yo at school, I have two hours to myself. To work, uninterrupted, blissful quiet and concentration. It's heaven.

3. Gears of War 3. I love this game, some might even say I'm addicted. I cannot play enough horde mode. I take care of my kids first, then exercise, and put the kids to bed. So after dark, after the kids are in bed, I start up the xbox and shoot enemies to my hearts content. I do so love this game.

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